Energy Services

Comprehensive Energy Services for Informed Decision-Making

CM3 provides energy services as part of our capital planning, facility modernization, and performance contracting solutions.

From HVAC equipment and building automation systems to software-based tools and energy analysis, we provide a comprehensive approach to energy efficiency and conservation.

With 20+ years in energy efficiency and led by our team of Certified Energy Managers and Mechanical Engineers, our energy services include:

Energy Consulting (COSTARS-30 approved)

  • Complete energy consulting services, including commercial energy audits, utility bill auditing, and energy monitoring

Energy Conservation (COSTARS-28 approved)

  • Energy conservation equipment and services from a variety of manufacturers and equipment types, including building automation systems, HVAC systems, water conservation, energy management, and other measures

Energy Analysis

Data-based site assessment and analysis of energy usage for the purposes of:

  • Baselining consumption
  • Identifying areas of waste
  • Creating opportunities for improvement
  • Developing mechanisms for ongoing monitoring


  • Proactively discover the issues that are negatively impact energy consumption. Our detailed field assessment and expert data analysis identify the corrective actions that are needed, ensuring optimal performance of your building systems and identifying potential problems before they result in downtime.

Monitor-Based Commissioning

  • Achieve lasting energy savings through ongoing monitoring of your building. With our monitor-based commissioning solution, you can view your building operations as a whole, collecting and analyzing data continually to ensure consistent peak performance and constant energy savings.

Utility Rebate Coordination/ Programs

  • Assistance with identifying, qualifying for, and implementing energy efficiency improvements relative to available rebates.