Experienced System Commissioning and Re-Commissioning for Energy Reduction and Occupant Comfort
Advances in modern day Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems and Building Automation Systems have helped to improve building comfort and have decreased building energy consumption. However, over time, systems may move away from their original specifications, thereby deteriorating comfort levels and increasing energy consumption.
CM3 offers commissioning of new systems and re-commissioning of existing systems, as well as the more in-depth service of retro-commissioning. These commissioning services provide you with flexibility to determine how much you want done while still ensuring that your system is operating as it was originally intended.
Re-Commissioniong: A Systematic Approach
Our experienced Technical Field Specialists will take a holistic view of the system, looking at plans, taking readings, and identifying repair issues. We will re-commission the system to move it back into range, thereby reducing energy consumption and enhancing occupant comfort levels.
- Assess site needs and operations
- Review building documentation and service contracts
- Gather and analyze trend data – HVAC, ventilation, lighting
- Inspect the building, its systems and equipment components
- Identify repair, rebuild, and replacement items
- Spot test equipment and controls, where appropriate
- Develop a complete proposal for implementation
Benefits of System Re-Commissioning
- Reduce utility costs and improve energy efficiency, because systems are operating at their optimal levels.
- Enhance property value by keeping operating costs lower which enhances occupancy rates and reduces tenant turnover.
- Protect against future liability. Maintaining the building’s indoor environmental quality affects the health, comfort, and productivity of occupants which can help alleviate or avoid problems that might lead to future liability.
- Reduce repair and replacement cost. Recommissioning improves system performance, increases equipment life, and reduces the need for repairs.
For a more in-depth analysis, consider our retro-commissioning services.
New Jersey Master HVAC Contractor License Number
Bruce Michelson – 19HC00644100